February 10, 2023

How to deploy personalized video: 4 key use cases to test drive

How to deploy personalized video: 4 key use cases to test drive

Most DTC brands know personalization is the name of the game. Adding your subscriber’s name to the subject line drives clicks, personalized product suggestions boost AOV, the list goes on. 

Personalized video is one tactic that’s still relatively unexplored. At Windsor, we field hosts of questions every single day about our personalized video technology, including:

  • How can my brand leverage Windsor? What are the main use cases?
  • Why should I use personalized video and what results will I see? 
  • What kind of DTC verticals benefit the most from Windsor? 

To make things easy, let me unpack the answers to all of these below. 

How do people use Windsor? What results do they see? 

Windsor users see the biggest returns from four use cases. 

1. Post-Purchase Flows

After you order something online, you’re bound to click on that shipping confirmation that lands in your inbox the next day. 

Those emails have the greatest open and engagement rates you’ll ever see in the industry. Simultaneously, post-purchase channels are severely underutilized for retention. 

With Windsor, brands easily integrate personalized videos into those email flows to show new buyers who they are. We see a huge payoff from this time and time again. 

  • Clicks & views — Windsor videos in post-purchase flows bring in dramatically high view rates — the greatest of all of our use cases. 
  • Engagement & brand affinity — Recipients are more likely to respond to and engage with an email with a Windsor video. Clients also tell us about customers knowing the founder by name after watching their custom video message. 
  • Brand affinity builds retention — Brands like Peel have seen an almost 2X spike in repurchases thanks to video. Qualitative victories (like customers who are excited to get a customized video from your founder) drive quantitative value. 

2. Abandoned Cart Flows

Brands that include Windsor videos in their abandoned cart sequences consider them a clear revenue driver. You can rinse and repeat what you’ve seen from post-purchase Windsor flows. 

You’ll get similarly impressive results. Take it from immi, a fast-growing food brand that turned to Windsor to boost abandoned cart emails and drove a 176%+ increase in revenue as a result.

3. Subscription Comms

Subscription models are on the rise as DTC brands realize it’s easier to retain than acquire. And Windsor is one effective tool for boosting that CAC-to-LTV ratio. 

For instance, household staples like pet food typically need to be re-upped once a month. One Windsor client — a dog food brand — sends personalized videos to customers who’ve purchased at least twice but haven’t ordered in the last 30 days. 

The founder even has his dog on camera so users can see him play with his own pet while talking about the treats they carry. That sequence has led to major conversions and some incredible conversations. 

4. Welcome Sequences

It’s well-known across email marketing and performance marketing companies that the welcome series generates the most revenue of any email, period. 

When a user willingly hands over their contact, there’s a strong chance they’ll watch whatever you send the next day. Like the post-purchase flow, you can punch up a basic “Hi, [Name]” by embedding a Windsor video to build that sense of “face-to-face” connection and brand affinity. 

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What do all of these use cases have in common? 

Windsor capitalizes on the power of personalization: sending the right message at the right time to that user. You can go beyond plugging someone’s full name into a plain-text email. 

It’s way more memorable and valuable — for both you and the customer experiencing it — to work in dynamic, personalized content like video. With good segmentation, Windsor also takes it a step further by helping you integrate personalized product suggestions. 

Who should be using Windsor and why?

In short, any brand that relies on storytelling can benefit from using Windsor. (And every brand should be focusing on their storytelling if they aren’t already.) 

We see this a lot with celebrities and influencers launching successful brands with only the power of their followings on Instagram, TikTok, or Twitter. 

Not even a site identity is totally necessary to build a million-dollar business as long as people know who you are. 

This is especially true for any sort of founder-focused brand (AKA any brand where the founder plays a big part in the company’s public image or marketing). Just imagine a beauty brand like Kylie Jenner’s lip kits, or Mr Beast’s success with feastables. 

At the same time, you really don’t need to have a pre-existing following to build your brand’s presence around a charismatic, mission-driven founder or CEO. 

They pull it off through storytelling — always talking about how and why they started this brand, showing off the product, and telling followers why they should care. 

Videos aren’t just used to sell. They’re used to build connection, brand awareness, and loyalty.

Record your first video and we'll take care of the next million

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